Storyboard Layout
See Storyboard
When the current layout of StoryLiner is set to Storyboard, not only the UI configuration changes but interactions with the StoryLiner tools are modified to become more suitable to that context. Being in the Storyboard layout is another workflow, another environment.
Below are all the changes going along with the Storyboard layout (this is the default configuration, when not customized in the Preferences or in the Features Panel).
User Interface
In the StoryLiner Main Panel
The Storyboard property panel is displayed
The Notes property panel is displayed
When a shot is selected in the Shots List then it is also set as Current, and the camera is changed to this shot
The current time is set to the start time of the shot
Note that this can be configured in the Add-on Preferences panel, in the UI Behaviors of the Default Layout category.In the Viewport Toolbar of the 3D view:
Tools that are can manipulate the viewport are displayed
Tools dedicated to the manipulation of 3D objects in the scene are removed
In the Shots Stack Mode:
interactions with the shots in the stack preserve the visibility of the current shot in the time range
Note that this can be configured in the Add-on Preferences panel, in the UI Behaviors of the Default Layout category.