General terminology
A shot is the basic entity manipulated by the StoryLiner user interface. As for a live footage it is made of a point of view, thanks to a camera, and a “record duration”, defined by a start time and an end time.
A shot has one and one only camera. When it is not associated to a camera, or if this camera is missing, the shot is considered as invalid and cannot be used in the [Edit].
When you add several shots in the Shots panel these shots define you movie. It is an Edit, as in an editing application, although a simple one with only one track and no holes between clips.
An edit is then an ordered list of shots.
Shots are played one after the other, in the order set in the edit and independently from the time at which they start in the time of the 3D scene. Indeed, and here lies the power of StoryLiner, a shot don’t need to begin when the previous one ends. It is possible to have time ellipses between 2 shots or shots that are overlapping (in other words that are “recording at the same time”, they are shooting the same part of the action). It is even possible to have shots in the edit that are referring to earlier parts of the action.
So basically shots can be manipulated in the edit exacly as video clips can be in editing software. This is called non linear editing. The great advantage to do this in StoryLiner is that no video rendering is involved, everything is played real-time, in the viewport.
The Handles are the amount of spare images let at the start and end of the shot when the shot is rendered. They are quite helpful for the artist doing the movie edit since she can get more time before or after each shot to polish the cuts and transitions.
Handles are not played in the viewport playback since they are not really part of the edit.
Unless you are in a production context the duration of the handles is usualy left to 0.
In StoryLiner the term Project refers to the production you are working on as a whole.
In practice a project is usually a root folder, on your computer or a server, containing a file structure where sequences, shots, materials, references are stored and organized. The story is most of the time spread out in several Blender files.
A project has a set of settings defining the configuration of your production, such as the project name, image output resolution, aspect ratio, framerate, sequences naming convention, shot [Handles]…
The settings of a [Project] can be gathered at the same place and used by all your Blender scenes to ensure the output media are generated in respect to the technical configuration.
They can be entered manually in the “Project Settings” dialog box of the StoryLiner panel, in which case they are set only for the current scene. In production these settings would be set by a custom script, written specifically for your own pipeline and automatically run when the Blender file is opened.
For a local use of StoryLiner it is not necessary to define a project. The settings of the scene will then be used.
The Project Context is a specific context in which the whole Blender session will automatically use some settings defined for the project. The instance of Blender has to be launched thanks to a pre-configured shortcut, and every new Blender file created from this instance will have scenes referencing the Project Settings file. See Project Context.
Previz entities
A [Shot] that is taking its content from an action happening in the scene is necessarily linked to the action, as a camera on a live stage is. It has the type Camera and is then referred to as a “Camera Shots”.
A Collection Set is an entity that can be added shots of type [Camera_Shot] to make them change the visibility state of the collections of the scene when one of these shots becomes the current shot.
The Collection Set is made of 2 lists of [Collection_Filter] items, one to force the visibility of the specified collections, called the Included Collections, and one to force some others to hide, called the Excluded Collections.
A Collection Filter refers to a specific collection or has a set of rules that will gather several collections. According to the Included or Excluded list of the [Collection_Set] it belongs to, it will display or hide those collections.
Storyboard entities
We call a Storyboard Shot a shot of type Storyboard. Its camera has a storyboard grease pencil parented to it. It is identified by a small icon with a character in a frame and is referred to as a “Storyboard Shot”.
A Storyboard Frame is a Grease Pencil object associated with a shot. It is held and link to the shot camera, it has a rectangular canvas on which it is possible to draw and do 2D animation. Storyboard Shots have a Storyboard Frame. Camera Shots don’t have one by default but it is possible to add it from the Storyboard property panel, in order to have some drawn content placed over the image captured in the scene.
In the context of StoryLiner, a Snapshot is an entity on its own that defines a “representative image” of the shot at a given time. It is a kind of thumbnail or image illustrating the shot. By default shots only have one snapshot and it is set at the first frame of its time range.
See also Snapshot.
Basically, an Edit Board is a storyboard in the form of a PDF file. It presents the sequence as a set of thumbnails, one or more per shot. In practice the edit board is made of snapshots, and those snapshots can be drawings from Storyboard Shots or rendered images from the scene, based on Camera Shots.
See “Edit Board”.
Tools and User Interface
This feature is what makes StoryLiner so powerful.
Indeed, the Edit Play Mode is a mode where the playback of the animation is not linear anymore but constrained by the shots. Instead of playing the action in a continuous way, as usual, this mode force the playhead to be placed at the beginning of the next shot everytime it reaches the end of the current one.
This is then called non-linear editing since it allows some “jumps back in time”, when a shot shoots the action before the end of the previous one for example, and some ellipses, when a shot refers to a part of the action that occurs later in time.
Hence, when the playback is set to Standard Play Mode (default), the animation is played in a continuous way, frame after frame, in the time of the scene;
When it is set to Edit Play Mode, it is played in the time of the edit, shot after shot.
See Edit Play Mode
A Layout, in the terminology of StoryLiner, is a configuration of a specific display of the main panel, of the tools it provides and of some interactions behaviors that may be more appropriate for the intended tasks. Basically it is at the same time a user interface and a workflow.
See Layouts