Most useful add-ons for storyboarding and previz
Here are some of the Blender add-ons I recommend for creating storyboards, managing cameras and scene content, rendering… All we usually need to have a fast and efficient narrative workflow. I don’t use all of them all the time, some may be more suitable to your workflow than others.

Well, of course there is StoryLiner, because I’m developing it and this allows me to implement features exactly how I imagine them. It provides a whole and very flexible workflow and an incredible amount of tools around it.
Link: StoryLiner Documentation
Grease pencil draw transform
This is one of the most helpful tool I’ve ever used with Grease Pencil. And it is just one of all the incredible tools written by Samuel Bernou.
Link: Gp Draw Transform on Blender Market and on Gumroad
Gizmodal Ops (free)

This introduces the Industry Standard Transform Gizmo into Blender. The visual part of it is very intuitive and so “natural” to use. Using the usual Blender transformation shortcuts all along with it requires a little habit but comes back very quickly. That one should be part of Blender by default.
Link: Gizmodal Ops on Gumroad